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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Lyrics - You Are Made Of Water 你是水作的 Ni Shi Shui Zuo De (Selina)

Ni Shi Shui Zuo De
You Are Made Of Water

Lyricist: Chen Xin Yan
Composer: Mo Yan Lin
Music arranger: Terence Teo
Producer: Wang Zhi Ping

Translated by Transition @
Please credit the translator & link back to (and include this note) if/when transferring elsewhere.

Dāngshí sān suì zhēng yībēi qìshuǐ
當時三歲 爭一杯汽水
When you were three years old you two were fighting over a soda drink

nǐ yǔ táng mèi biān kū biān dòuzuǐ
你與堂妹 邊哭邊鬥嘴
You and cousin were crying while bickering with each other

zhuǎnshùn shíwǔ dì yī cì dān liàn
轉瞬十五 第一次單戀
In a blink of an eye 15 years have passed, you are going through a one-sided love for the first time

wèi shuí tòngkū liú tì chèyè bù shuì
為誰痛哭流涕 徹夜不睡
Who did you cry and not sleep for all night?

péngyǒu jiéhūn nǐ shì ài kū guǐ
朋友結婚 你是愛哭鬼
Your friend got married and you became a crybaby

huòxǔ xìngfú gāi ràng rén luò lèi
或許幸福 該讓人落淚
Perhaps blissfulness should make people shear tears

nǐ zhuìluòguò chà yīdiǎn bēngkuì
你墜落過 差一點崩潰
You have fallen down before, you almost broke down

wèile nǐ ài de rén nǐ què xuéhuì rěn zhù yǎnlèi
為了你愛的人 你卻學會忍住眼淚
But for the one you love you learned to hold back your tears

shìjiè zěnme hánlěng xīn yījiù wēn rè
世界怎麼寒冷 心依舊溫熱
The world is very cold but your heart is still warm as before

nà shì yīn wéi tiānshēng nǐ shì shuǐ zuò de
那是因為天生 你是水作的
That is because you are naturally made of water

shuǐ wāngwāng de kànzhe zuì xiōngyǒng de hé
水汪汪地看著 最洶湧的河
Looking at turbulent river with teary eyes

shēngmìng měi cì liányī měi yīcùn bōzhé dōu qīngchèle
生命每次漣漪 每一寸波折 都清澈了
Every ripple and every twists and turns in life have been cleared

duōkuī huíyì shīrùnzhe tóngkǒng
多虧回憶 濕潤著瞳孔
Luckily memories help moisten your pupils

shìyě zhéshè zuìměi de cǎihóng
視野折射 最美的彩虹
Vision refracts the most beautiful rainbow

chūnfēng qiūyǔ dōu rě nǐ yíng kuàng
春風秋雨 都惹你盈眶
Spring breeze and autumn rain are teasing your eyes

wēnquán cáng zài xīnzhōng suǒyǐ nǐ huì róngyì gǎndòng
溫泉藏在心中 所以你會容易感動
There’s a hot spring that is hidden in your heart that’s why you would easily get touched

shíjiān zěnme cánrěn mèng biàn chéng zhǎozé
時間怎麼殘忍 夢變成沼澤
Time is so cruel, turning dreams into sloughs

línghún què bù gānhé nǐ shì shuǐ zuò de
靈魂卻不乾涸 你是水作的
But your soul won’t dry up because you are made of water

shǎnzhe lèi guāng kànzhe jìngzi lǐ de rén
閃著淚光看著 鏡子裡的人
With tears glimmering in your eyes you look at the person in the mirror

nǐ de yǎnlèi cónglái dōu bù huì bái liú wǒ xiāngxìnzhe
你的眼淚從來都不會白流 我相信著
Your tears have never run in vain, I believe in that

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