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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Lyrics - Dance, Dance, Dance 舞舞舞 Wu Wu Wu (Selina)

Wu Wu Wu
Dance, Dance, Dance

Lyricist: Shi Ren Cheng
Composers: Tebey Ottoh、Edward Jonathan Harris、Robbie Smith、Simon Pettigrew
Music arranger: Pan Xin Wei
Producer: Ah Di Zai

Translated by Transition @
Please credit the translator & link back to (and include this note) if/when transferring elsewhere.

Hónghuāng tàigǔ dào míngtiān rì chū
洪荒太古 到明天日出
From the Hong Huang time to the sunrise of tomorrow

qiān wàn nián de kuánghuān zài huānhū
千萬年的狂歡 在歡呼
Million years of wild cheers are cheering

dāng yīnyuè xiǎngqǐ xiànshàng shuāngshǒu bèi xùnfú
當音樂響起 獻上雙手被馴服
Once the music starts, (people) would be putting their hands up willing to be tamed

biàn huí rèqíng kuáng yě de dòngwù
變回熱情狂野 的動物
Becoming once again an enthusiastic and wild animal

kuài lái tiàowǔ
Come quickly and dance…

dōu lái tiàowǔ
Everyone let’s dance…

 bǎ jiézòu jiāsùdù dào tíng bù zhù
 把節奏加速度 到停不住
Increase the tempo of the rhythm until it can’t be stopped

tànsuǒ kuàilè néng dào shénme xiàndù
探索快樂 能到什麼限度
To which extent can you explore happiness

bǎ shēntǐ niǔzhuǎn chéng yídòng diāosù
把身體 扭轉成移動雕塑
Make your body turn around so it becomes a moving sculpture

kuángfàng dé qìngzhù huózhe yǒu duō xìngfú
狂放得慶祝 活著有多幸福
Celebrating wildly for the blissfulness of being alive

cóng kètīng wòfáng dào wǔchí guǎngchǎng
從客廳臥房 到舞池廣場
From the living room and bedroom to the dance floor of a mall

měi gè wǔtái dōu yǒu wǒ zuò zhǔ
每個舞臺 都有我作主
I’m the master of every stage

fàng kāi jūshù ràng línghún piāofú
放開拘束 讓靈魂飄浮
Release all restraints and let the soul float

piāo dào yuèqiú shàng kuáng wǔ
飄到月球上 狂舞
Float to the moon where it can dance wildly

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