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Saturday, September 18, 2010

[FRH SuperHot] Xin Sheng Lyrics

This is the lyrics for Xin Sheng by Fahrenheit Fei Lun Hai. Pinyin + Chinese + English.


Xin Sheng

zui ba huan le xin de er duo huan le xin de
嘴巴換了新的 耳朵換了新的
Mouth changed to a new one, ears changed to new ones

yu gou de bi zi lai le tou fa huan le xin yan se
預購的鼻子來了 頭髮換了新顏色
The preordered nose came, hair changed to a new color

si diao ru men shou ce zi chuang xin de shou ze
撕掉入門手冊 自創新的守則
ripped of starter manual, self-created new rules

ji yin huan le xin ran se ling hun huan le xin qu ke
基因換了新染色 靈魂換了新軀殼
genes changed new chromosomes, soul changed to a new shell

zuo tian de wo yi si qu jin tian de wo gang luo di
昨天的我已死去 今天的我剛落地
The me from yesterday is dead, the me today just landed

shan chu le jiu de tai ji huo de le xin de xing ming
刪除了舊的胎記 獲得了新的姓名
deleted the old birthmark, received a new name

rang shuang shou fang diao hui yi qu zhua zhu xin xian wan ju
讓雙手放掉回憶 去抓住新鮮玩具
Let go memories from both of your hands, go grab new toys

huan ran yi xin de shen ti gui ling de nian ji
煥然一新的身體 歸零的年紀
A brand new body, an age turns back to zero

yi tian xie yi ben chuan ji mei yi tian chuang yi ge shi ji
一天寫一本傳記 每一天創一個世紀
Write a memoir a day, create a century everyday

dui shi jie chong man hao qi wo jiu shi wang jiu tan xin
對世界充滿好奇 我就是 忘舊貪新
Curious about the world, I'm just forgetting the old and liking the new

lei xian po le jiu geng xin ruo guan nian jiu le jiu diu qi
淚腺破了就更新 若觀念舊了就丟棄
Renew the lacrimal gland if it breaks, throw away your concept if it gets old

yi bei zi yi miao kai ji jin tian qi dan sheng xin de zi ji
一輩子一秒開機 今天起 誕生新的自己
Turn on myself that one second my whole life, starting today, give birth to the new self

ye kong huan le xin de di qiu huan le xin de
夜空換了新的 地球換了新的
Sky changed to a new one, earth changed to a new one

MP3 guan le xin ge wei kou ai shang xin cai se
MP3灌了新歌 胃口愛上新菜色
MP3 put in new songs, appetite likes new dishes

meng xiang na me duo ge chong man xin de zhuan zhe
夢想那麼多個 充滿新的轉折
So many dreams, with new turning points

mei yi tian dou shi xin sheng tian tian chang sheng ri kuai le
每一天都是新生 天天唱生日快樂
Everyday is a new start, singing happy birthday everyday

zuo tian de wo yi si qu jin tian de wo gang luo di
昨天的我已死去 今天的我剛落地
The me from yesterday is dead, the me today just landed

shan chu le jiu de tai ji huo de le xin de xing ming
刪除了舊的胎記 獲得了新的姓名
deleted the old birthmark, received a new name

rang shuang shou fang diao hui yi qu zhua zhu xin xian wan ju
讓雙手放掉回憶 去抓住新鮮玩具
Let go memories from both of your hands, go grab new toys

huan ran yi xin de shen ti gui ling de nian ji
煥然一新的身體 歸零的年紀
A brand new body, an age turns back to zero

[Repeat * 2x]

Pinyin lyrics by kimuchi08 @
Chinese lyrics credits to
Translation by KAY @
Please credit the translators if/when transferring elsewhere.

[FRH SuperHot] Tai Shan Cheng Shi Lyrics

This is the lyrics for Tai Shang Cheng Shi by Fahrenheit Fei Lun Hai. Pinyin + Chinese + English.


Tai Shan Cheng Shi
Tarzan Program

zai gao kong kuang ben (kuang ben)
在高空狂奔 (狂奔)
Running quickly in upper air

zai hai di fan gun (fan gun)
在海底翻滾 (翻滾)
Rolling under the sea

dang shi jie chen lun (chen lun)
當世界沉淪 (沉淪)
Treat the world is sinking

wo xiang yao
I want to

da po zhe gui ze (gui ze)
打破這規則 (規則)
Break this rule

zhan sheng zhe zui e (zui e)
戰勝這罪惡 (罪惡)
Win over this sin

zheng jiu na ling hun (ling hun)
拯救那靈魂 (靈魂)
Save the soul

kuai gen wo
Come with me

pao xia zai tai shan cheng shi dao ni nao li
跑 下載泰山程式到你腦裡
Run, download tarzan program to your brain

chao yue xian shi zhi da he xin
Exceed reality directly to the core

kuai kuai jian li xin de zhi xu
快 快 建立新的秩序
Quickly, quickly, build new order

wo zai wan e cheng shi dang lai dang qu
I dangle in this sinful city

wei hu wei lai cong lin zheng yi
Protect the future justice

he he yu zhou he ping
喝 喝 宇宙和平
Yell out, universal peace


mai fu zai an hei de mo shou wan yan zai yun duan de mo zhou
埋伏在暗黑的魔獸 蜿蜒在雲端的魔咒
The monster hiding in the dark, the curse zigzagging in the clouds

ting zhi xie you wo yi yi ji po
停止脅誘 我一一擊破
Stop tempting me, I would break it all

guan bao na di deng de hai chong xiao mie na kong bu de yin mou
灌爆那低等的害蟲 消滅那恐怖的陰謀
Burn the inferior pests, destroy the evil plot

qian chuang bai kong ye jue bu fang guo
千瘡百孔 也絕不放過
Absolutely won't miss any spot

[Repeat *]


wo bu guan duo zhi jie ye bu pa duo wei xian yao gai bian zhe shi jie
我不管多直接 也不怕多危險 要改變 這世界
I won't care how direct, and won't afraid how dangerous, need to change this world

geng xin wo de zhou bian sheng ji wo de pei bei yao zheng jiu zhe shi jie
更新我的周邊 升級我的配備 要拯救 這世界
Renew things around me, level up my equipments, need to save this world


Pinyin lyrics by kimuchi08 @
Chinese lyrics credits to
Translation by KAY @
Please credit the translators if/when transferring elsewhere.

[FRH SuperHot] Huo De Geng Xiang Wo

This is the lyrics for Huo De Geng Xiang Wo by Fahrenheit Fei Lun Hai. Pinyin + Chinese + English.


Huo De Geng Xiang Wo
Going On My Way

zai ye bu hui di tou zou guo jiu hao xiang zi ji que shen me
再也不會低頭走過 就好像自己缺什麼
Will never walk with my head down again, it's like I'm missing something

ba mei meng hui wu hou na gu feng shei huan neng gou leng yan bu kan wo
把美夢揮舞後那股風誰還能夠 冷眼不看我
The wind which wave away my sweet dreams, looks at me coldly

rang zhi zhe bian cheng yi ba fu tou kan diao man yan de cui ruo
讓執著變成一把斧頭 砍掉蔓延的脆弱
Transforming stubbornness to an axe, chop the spreading weakness

pin qiang ruo de yu zhou dai4 zhe shang bu xiang han tong yao zi xing yu he
拼強弱的宇宙帶著傷不想喊痛 要自行癒合
The universe, fighting to be strong, doesn't want to shout pain no more, need to recover on its own

gan xie cong xiao ta zhe tu di fan gun he sheng huo
Thanks for walking on rolling ground and living in such life since I was little

suo yi bu hui shen shou xiang yao mei hao cong tian kong jiang luo
So I won't ask for fine things to fall from the sky

yong bao ai he li xiang de ren jiu shu yu fu you
People hugging love and dreams are rich

bie na me yi han shuo ni mei you gei wo shen me
Don't tell me with regrets, that you didn't give me anything

you jiu gan tang mai fou
Refuse to sell wine if there is any

zhen de kuai le shi ku guo de kuai le
真的快樂 是苦過的快樂
The real happiness, is the happiness after suffered from a bitter life

fen zhan guo ran hou zai huo de
Received it after you fought for it

you jiu gan tang mai fou
Received it after you fought for it

hui shou le jiu de gan dong yao chuang zao xin de gan dong
回收了舊的感動 要創造新的感動
Recycled the old moved emotions, need to create new ones

ren tong le zi wo jiu huo de geng xiang wo
Acknowledge myself so have to live more like me

mei yi ge ren dou neng you meng shi zhe shi jie wei yi gong ping de
每一個人都能有夢 是這世界唯一公平的
Everyone can dream, it's the only fair thing in the world

suo yi jue bu rang wo de meng xiang liu xing yun luo zai hui hen lei liu
所以絕不讓我的夢像流星隕落 再悔恨淚流
So will definitely not like my dream to fall like meteor fall, regret again, tears will fall

[Repeat * and **]

guo cheng ye xu hen qu zhe que rang cheng chang geng wan quan le
過程也許很曲折 卻讓成長更完全了
The process may be complicated, completing growth

fu chu le dai jia bu hui mei shou huo
There's definitely gain if you paid

you jiu gan tang mai fou dai tong jiu xi bu zi zhi tang mai fou
有酒矸倘賣否 歹銅舊錫簿仔紙倘賣否
(Translator's note: I dont know this sentence cus its in Hakka)

[Repeat **]

Pinyin lyrics by kimuchi08 @
Chinese lyrics credit to
English translation by KAY @

[FRH SuperHot] Ji Xu Ai Lyrics

This is the lyrics for Ji Xu Ai by Fahrenheit Fei Lun Hai. Pinyin + Chinese +English.


Ji Xu Ai
Keep Loving You

huan mei dao di qiu jin tou kan yi ci tian chang di jiu
還沒到地球盡頭 看一次天長地久
Not till the end of the earth, to look at "forever" once

huan mei deng shi jian sha lou rong hua cheng xi shui chang liu
還沒等時間沙漏 融化成細水長流
Didn't wait until time pass, melt into a steady pace

ni zen hui she de fang kai yi dian bu xin teng
你怎會捨得放開 一點不心疼
How can you let it go and didn't feel your heart ache

kuai dao shou de wei lai
The future almost on my hands

bu yao fen kai huan xiang ji xu ai
不要分開 還想繼續愛
Don't separate, still want to keep loving

yong zhen xin qu shua lai rang qi ji cun zai
用真心去耍賴 讓奇蹟存在
Being unreasonable with heart, making miracle exist

bu yao fen kai wei he yao fen kai
不要分開 為何要分開
Don't separate, why separate

yong lang man qu kuan dai zhe ge can ku shi dai
用浪漫去款待 這個殘酷時代
Welcome this cruel generation with romance

huan you ai ren de nian tou wei he yao ya yi wen rou
還有愛人的念頭 為何要壓抑溫柔
Still have lover in mind, why have to suppress fondness

chen xin tiao hu xi shang zai zai qin wen wo ba
趁心跳呼吸尚在 再親吻我吧
When heart beat and breath are still here, kiss me again

niang yi chang yi wai
Creating an accident

[Repeat *]

bu yao fen kai huan xiang ji xu ai
不要分開 還想繼續愛
Don't separate, still want to keep loving

you yi ge ren teng ai ri zi bu suan huai
有一個人疼愛 日子不算壞
Days being loved isn't too bad

bu yao fen kai wei he yao fen kai
不要分開 為何要分開
Don't separate, why separate

nan dao bi jiao yu kuai
Is it more happy that way?

liang ge ren fen xiang ji mo
Two people sharing loneliness

dou hao guo yi ren du tun zhe kuai huo
都好過一人 獨吞著快活
It's better than one person enjoying happiness

bu yao fen kai huan xiang ji xu ai
不要分開 還想繼續愛
Don't separate, still want to keep loving

yong wen rou qu tian hai rang yan lei peng pai
用溫柔去填海 讓眼淚澎湃
Use gentleness to fill the ocean, make tears surge

bu yao fen kai wei he yao fen kai
不要分開 為何要分開
Don't separate, why separate

shi jie yi jing tai huai wei shen me bu xiang ai
世界已經太壞 為什麼不相愛
The world is already bad, why not keep loving?

bu yao fen kai huan xiang ji xu ai
不要分開 還想繼續愛
Don't separate, still want to keep loving

Please don't say goodbye

bu yao fen kai wei he yao fen kai
不要分開 為何要分開
Don't separate, why separate

shei shuo guo liu xia lai shei que you yao li kai
誰說過留下來 誰卻又要離開
Who says if stayed, that someone has to leave again

[Repeat **]

Pinyin lyrics by kimuchi08 @
Chinese lyrics credits to
English translation by KAY @

[FRH SuperHot] Sexy Girl Lyrics

This is the lyrics for Sexy Girl by Fahrenheit Fei Lun Hai. Pinyin + Chinese + English.


Sexy Girl

you got my love, you are my sexy girl
you got my love, you are my sexy girl

yong ni yan shen dian wo yong ni xiang wei gou wo wo jue dui duo bu guo
用你眼神電我 用你香味勾我 我絕對躲不過
Use your expression to attract me, use your scent to charm me, I absolutely can't avoid

yong ni gui ji re wo yong ni shou duan suan wo wo jiu chong hun tou
用你詭計惹我 用你手段算我 我就衝昏頭
Use your tricks to provoke me, use your plans to fight me, I will be carried away

Sexy Girl da ying wo bu yao xin ruan qing ni ji xu xian hai wo
Sexy Girl 答應我 不要心軟 請你繼續陷害我
Sexy girl, promise me, don't go soft-hearted, please continue to frame me

Sexy Girl jiu jiu wo mei you zhe zhong tong wo xiang wo bu neng cun huo
Sexy Girl 救救我 沒有這種痛 我想我不能存活
Sexy girl, save me, without this type of pain, I think I couldn't live

tiao zhan wo da bai wo qiu qiu ni bu yao fang guo wo
挑戰我 打敗我 求求你不要放過我
Challenge me, win over me, begging you, don't let go of me

kao jin wo yong bao wo rang shi jie xing cheng le xuan wo
靠近我 擁抱我 讓世界形成了漩渦
Come near me, hug me, make this world transform into swirls

ni de shuang shou you kong wo de huai bao you kong bu yao lang fei zhe kong dong
你的雙手有空 我的懷抱有空 不要浪費這空洞
Both of your hands are free, my hugs are free, don't waste this empty hole

wo men dou mei you cuo shua dian xin ji bu suan zui guo bu cuo
我們都 沒有錯 耍點心機不算罪過 不錯
We are not wrong, using some tricks are not sinful, that's right

Sexy Girl da ying wo bu yao xin ruan qing ni ji xu xian hai wo
Sexy Girl 答應我 不要心軟 請你繼續陷害我
Sexy girl, promise me, don't go soft-hearted, please continue to frame me

Sexy Girl jiu jiu wo mei you zhe zhong tong wo xiang wo bu neng cun huo
Sexy Girl 救救我 沒有這種痛 我想我不能存活
Sexy girl, save me, without this type of pain, I think I couldn't live

ni shi wo de Sexy Baby ni shi wo chao xiang yao de meng huan yi shu pin
你是我的Sexy Baby 你是我超想要的夢幻藝術品
You're my sexy baby, you're my dream art work I always want

Yeah ni rang di qiu shi qu le yin li rang wo de ling hun high dao bu xing
Yeah 你讓地球失去了引力 讓我的靈魂high到不行
Yeah, you make the earth lose gravity, making my soul super high

mi lian ni cang zhe di pai dai zhe shen mi shi zhong liu yi shou gou yin wo de hao qi
迷戀你 藏著底牌帶著神秘 始終留一手勾引我的好奇
Fascinated by your mystery hidden under the poker card, provoking my curiosity

rang wo ji xu wei ni zhe mi ai shi e xi dan wo ai zhe e xi
讓我繼續 為你著迷 愛是惡習 但我愛這惡習
Let me continue, to be obsessed with you. Love is a bad habit, but I love this bad habit

yong ni yan lei zheng wo yong ni wan xiao hong wo wo jue dui duo bu guo
用你眼淚整我 用你玩笑哄我 我絕對躲不過
Use your tears to fool me, use your jokes to make me happy, I absolutely can't avoid

yong ni tian mi hai wo yong ni wen rou sha wo bu yao cuo guo
用你甜蜜害我 用你溫柔殺我 不要錯過
Use your sweetness to harm me, use your gentleness to kill me, don't miss this chance

Sexy Girl da ying wo bu yao xin ruan qing ni ji xu xian hai wo
Sexy Girl 答應我 不要心軟 請你繼續陷害我
Sexy girl, promise me, don't go soft-hearted, please continue to frame me

Sexy Girl jiu jiu wo mei you zhe zhong tong wo xiang wo bu neng cun huo
Sexy Girl 救救我 沒有這種痛 我想我不能存活
Sexy girl, save me, without this type of pain, I think I couldn't live

Sexy Girl da ying wo bu yao fang shou qing ni bian cheng wo xin mo
Sexy Girl 答應我 不要放手 請你變成我心魔
Sexy girl, promise me, don't let go, please, be my spirit in the heart

Sexy Girl jiu jiu wo zhi you ni neng gou rang wo zhi da tian guo
Sexy Girl 救救我 只有你能夠 讓我直達天國
Sexy girl, save me, only you can, bring me to heaven

Pinyin lyrics by kimuchi08 @
Chinese lyrics credit to
English translation by KAY @

Friday, September 17, 2010

[FRH SuperHot] Hen An Jing Lyrics

This is the lyrics for Hen An Jing. Pinyin + Chinese + English.


Hen An Jing
Live in Peace

yao shuo de duo dong ting
How much can I make it interesting to sound

cai neng zheng ming zui qin mi de guan xi
才能證明 最親密的關系
So I can prove, the most intimate relationship

ying rao zhe tian kong shen me ye mei jiang
縈繞著天空 什麼也沒講
Surrounding the sky, nothing to say

yi shi zui mei hao de yue ding
Already the most beautiful promise

yao shuo de duo hua li
How much extravagent I need to say

cai neng shuo chu zui mo qi de mo qi
So I tell who's with the best chemistry

wo zai ni shen bian hu xi dou chen mo
我在你身邊 呼吸都沉默
I'm next to you, breathing silently

ni que dong wo mei ge qing xu
But you understand my every emotion

zhe shi jie tai re nao zen me qing ting
這世界太熱鬧 怎麼傾聽
This world is too lively, how can it listen

yi ke xin hu huan ling yi ke de sheng yin
The voice of hearts calling hearts

zhe shi jie zai re nao huan hao wo men gang hao zai zhe li
這世界再熱鬧 還好我們剛好在這里
Even the world is that lively, good that we're just over here

gang hao hen an jing
Very quiet

love you love you

yao shuo de duo ken ding
How sure do I need to say

cai neng ken ding liang ge ren de xin qing
So to be sure of the two's emotions

feng yu xiang feng zhe huan mei you yao qing
風雨相逢著 還沒有邀請
Still no invitation, for meeting in the winds and rains

yi jing yi qi yu kuai luu xing
But already traveling happily together

yao shuo de duo yong li
How much do I need to stress

cai neng liu xia zui jian ding de que ding
To leave the strongest confirmation

mei yi ge lu kou ni bu yong kai kou
每一個路口 你不用開口
Every block, you don't need to say

wo yi jing zhong he ni jiao yin
I already follow your steps

[Repeat *]

suo you gan shou bu yong xing rong yi jing na me dong
所有感受不用形容 已經那麼懂
No need to describe all emotions, because we already understand

suo you de gan dong shi an jing de xin dong
All touching emotions are quiet heartbeats

zhe shi jie zai re nao ye mei guan xi
這世界再熱鬧 也沒關系
Even this world is this lively, no problem

mei yi ge yan shen wo men jiu neng gan ying
We can sense every eye expression

zhe shi jie zai re nao wo men yi qi zai bi ci xin li
這世界再熱鬧 我們一起在彼此心里
Even this world is this lively, we're in our hearts

suo yi hen an jing suo yi hen an jing
所以很安靜 所以很安靜
So it's very peaceful, very peaceful

Pinyin lyrics by kimuchi08 @
Chinese lyrics credits to
English translation by KAY @

[FRH SuperHot] Shou Hu Xing Lyrics

This is the lyrics for Shou Hu Xing. Pinyin + Chinese + English.


Shou Hu Xing
Guiding Star

bian zou bian kan sheng ming li mei yi pian feng jing
伦:边走边看生命里 每一片风景
Aaron: Walking as I see every scenery of life

shei shi zui yuan na ke xing xing dan ye zui kao jin
谁是 最远那颗星星 但也最靠近
Who's the farthest star, yet the closest

ceng jing yi wei wo zi ji chi you wo zi ji
东:曾经以为我自己 只有我自己
Jiro: For once I thought I was all by myself

hui dou cai fa xian ni bing pai de jiao yin
尊:回头才 发现你 并排的脚印
Chun: Turning around only to discover your footprints side by side

gan xie ni zai wo shen bian shu yu wo
儒:感谢 你在 我身边属于我
Calvin: Thank you for staying by my side, belonging to me

wo ye xiang hai ni yi yang de gan dong
我也想还你 一样的感动
I want to return you with the same feeling

shou zai ni de zuo you zui dan chun de nian tou
合:守在你的 左右 最单纯的念头
All: Staying by your side, the purest thought

wo hao xiang cong ni yan zhong chao dao wo
I really want to find myself in your eyes

neng han wei de wen rou
a protecting gentleness

duo jin wo de yu zhou zui an jue de li xing qiu
躲进我的 宇宙 最安全的星球
Hiding in the safest planet in my universe

dang suo you liu xing yuan li le tian kong
When all the shooting stars are far away from the sky

cheng wei ni de zui zhong cheng xing zuo
成为你的 最忠诚星座
I will be your most loyal constellation

jian qiang ai ku bu cong ming shan liang you ren xing
伦:坚强爱哭不聪明 善良又任性
Aaron: Tough, cry baby, unintelligent, kind-hearted yet stubborn

ni you tai duo qi guai ge xing rang wo hen zhao mi
你有 太多奇怪个性 让我很着迷
You have too many weird personality, making me very fascinated

ni de wei xiao tai shen qi can lan dao bu xing
尊:你的微笑太神奇 灿烂到不行
Chun: Your smile is too mesmerizing, shining brightly

lian yan jing yao xia yu dou bei ni fang qing
连眼睛 要下雨 都被你放晴
Even when my eyes are raining, you can make it clear

gan xie ni zai wo shen bian shu yu wo
东:感谢 你在 我身边属于我
Jiro: Thank you for staying by my side, belonging to me

wo ye xiang hai ni yi yang de gan dong
我也想还你 一样的感动
I want to return you with the same feeling

shou zai ni de zuo you zui dan chun de nian tou
合:守在你的 左右 最单纯的念头
All: Staying by your side, the purest thought

wo hao xiang cong ni yan zhong zhao dao wo
I really want to find myself in your eyes

neng han wei de wen rou
a protecting gentleness

duo jin wo de yu zhou zui an jue de xing zuo
躲进我的 宇宙 最安全的星球
Hiding in the safest planet in my universe

dang suo you liu xing yuan li le tian kong
When all the shooting stars are far away from the sky

cheng wei ni de zui zhong cheng xing cuo
成为你的 最忠诚星座
I will be your most loyal constellation

zai hei dong li bu ting shi qu
rap: 在黑洞里不停失去
Rap : In the black hole continuously lose

zai ji mo de guang yin lu xing
traveling within the lonely galaxy

zai ji mo de guang yin lu xing
traveling within the lonely galaxy

jiu zai yin he li bu ting xun mi
Searching continuously within the milky way

Oh come on that’s right

shei ke yi yi nian si ji yong bu xiu xi
谁可以一年四季 永不休息
For someone who don't need to rest throughout the four seasons

shou hu wo de xin jiu shi ni
守护我的心 就是你
To protect my heart, it's you

xiang zuo ni de zhen you shou hu zhao ni mei meng
合:想做你的 枕头 守护着你美梦
All: Want to be your pillow, to protect your dreams

xiang rang ni yi kao zai wo de xiong kou
Letting you lean on my chest

hen fang xin di meng you
Carelessly wondering in dreams

xiang zou ni de yi hou shou hu ni sheng huo
想做你的 以后 守护着你生活
I want to be your future, protecting you in life

mei tian you xing de gan shou yao tan suo
Exploring a new feeling each day

shi jian hen duo rang wo men xiao mo
时间很多 让我们消磨
There's a lot of time for us to spend

Pinyin lyrics by Cassia @
Translation by Aiwa @ FRHGloba1
Please credit the translators if/when transferring elsewhere.

[FRH SuperHot] Wu Hui Lyrics

This is the lyrics for Wu Hui. Pinyin + Chinese + English.


Wu Hui

yan jing ming ming xiang gei wei xiao
Eyes clearly want to give a smile

yi zha yan que ji chu le han
However a wink later, they turn out to sweat

zhe yi shuang shou ming ming wo zhu le shen mo
这一双手 明明握住了什么
What do these two hands hold exactly?

yi wo jin que yan xiao yun san
Like holding a vanishing smoke

ru guo er duo ting guo da an
If ears can hear the answer

he zui ba shuo bu chu lai
Then why can’t mouth say anything?

ru guo tian kong zhen de xiang fen xiang wei lan
如果天空 真的想分享蔚蓝
If the sky really want to share the blueness

wei he wo zai kan que xiang yu wo wu guan
Then why don’t I feel concerned looking at it?

xiang yi ke xing yi wei zhan sheng hei an
像一颗星 以为战胜黑暗
Like a star believes to be able to surmount the darkness

xiang yi zhen feng yi wei zhan zai yun duan
像一阵风 以为站在云端
Like the wind believes to be able to stop the clouds

jiu xiang ni wo zhi jian na xie shen de qian de qi dai
Just like the deep expectation between us

ye xu quan dou shi wu hui
也许 全都是误会
Perhaps all are misunderstanding

ru guo xiong kou you guo wen nuan
If the heart had tasted warmness before

wei he xin shi cong mei can lan
Why wouldn’t my mind have felt better?

ru guo da hai zhen de you na mo yong gan
如果大海 真的有那么勇敢
If the ocean really had that courage

wei he hai lang que chi chi kao bu le an
Then why wouldn’t the slow wave reach the shore?

[Repeat *]

xiang yi ke xing yi wei zhan sheng hei an
像一颗星 以为战胜黑暗
Like a star believes to be able to surmount the darkness

xiang yi zhen feng yi wei zhan zai yun duan
像一阵风 以为站在云端
Like the wind believes to be able to stop the clouds

xiang zhi xu guo yuan wang hou wang le chui xi de cha zhu
Like the forgotten wish right after blowing off the candle

yi wei meng huan mei zuo wan
以为 梦还没做完
Dreams considerably don’t come true

ye xu yang guang mei xiang guo yao kang kai
也许阳光 没想过要慷慨
Maybe the sunshine has never wanted to be fervent

ye xu yu shui zhi wei zi ji guan gai
也许雨水 只为自己灌溉
Perhaps the rain only wants to irrigate for itself

jiu xiang ni wo zhi jian na mo jing cai de yi han
Like our brilliant regret

ye xu quan dou shi wu hui
也许 全都是误会
Perhaps all are misunderstanding

Pinyin translation by kimuchi08 @
Translation by ratana2205 @ Fahrenheit-globa1, Thanks to ac_ac @ AF and CEFC
Please credit the translators if/when transferring elsewhere.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

[FRH SuperHot] Xin Teng Ni De Xin Teng Lyrics

This is the lyrics for Xin Teng Ni De Xin Teng. Pinyin + Chinese + English.


Xin Teng Ni De Xin Teng
Cherish Your Heartache

zong shi zai ye shen ren jing xiang yi ge ren
Always thinking about someone at late at night

ni liu gei wo de hui yi ying zhe yue guang geng shen ke
妳留給我的回憶 映著月光更深刻
The memories you gave me, are even more memorable under moon light

ru guo shuo hou hui ke yi sha yi ge ren
If say regret can kill someone

wo yi jing wei ni si diao duo shao ci le ne
我已經為妳死掉 多少次了呢
Then I died for you, for how many times?

ni de lei hen ni mo mo ren nai guo de han leng
妳的淚痕 妳默默忍耐過的寒冷
Your tears, the winter you tolerate in silence.

wo xian zai cai dong de
I finally understand now.

xin teng ni de xin teng xiang jin jin ba ni bao zhe
心疼妳的心疼 想緊緊把妳抱著
My heart aches your heartache, want to hug you tightly.

qu mi bu cong qian suo you bu wan zheng
to make up the incompleteness from the past.

rang wo rang ni kuai le wei ni de wei xiao fu ze
讓我讓妳快樂 為妳的微笑負責
Let me make you happy, be responsible for your smile.

cheng nuo guo de wei lai hai zai deng deng wo men de ai zhong sheng
承諾過的未來還在等 等我們的愛重生
The promised future is still waiting, waiting for the rebirth of our love.

shi jian shi yi dao bu neng fan zhuan de men
Time is a door that cannot reverse

na shi de nian shao qing kuang ru jin xiang lai duo can ren
那時的年少輕狂 如今想來多殘忍
Days when we were young and crazy, now seem cruel when thinking about them.

zhi bu guo zhe ge shi shang mei you yi ben neng gou jiao wo men ru he xiang ai de shou ce
只不過這個世上沒有一本 能夠教我們如何 相愛的手冊
It's just there isn't a booklet in this world that can teach us how to love each other

[Repeat Chorus]

zai ye bu hui rang ni shou shang le
Won't let you get hurt again

wo yi wan quan ming bai ai neng jiao ren xin duo teng
I already fully understand how love can ache one's heart

zhe ci huan wo deng huan wo wei ni xi sheng
這次換我等 換我為妳犧牲
My term to wait this time, let me sacrifice for you this time

rang wo shou hu zhe ni gen wo yi qi zou guo shi jian de he
讓我守護著妳 跟我一起走過時間的河
Let me protect you, walk over river of time together with me

[Repeat Chorus]

Pinyin translation by kimuchi08 @
Chinese lyrics from HIM Official Youtube Channel
English translation by KAY @
Please credit the translators if/when transferring elsewhere.

[FRH SuperHot] Super Hot Lyrics

This is the lyrics for Super Hot. Pinyin + Chinese + English.


Super Hot

Shi shei zhuang lan le bing shan
Who knocked down the ice mountains?
Zen me mei ren cheng zan
Why did no one praise him?
Shei hai pai chi dao tai leng
Who was scared the equator was too cold
Zai pin ming de jia tan
and kept on adding carbon?

Shei bi shei xian chou de yan
Who is competing how fast he smokes,
Yi wei dong zuo hen lang man
thinking it is romantic?
Shei hai yao hai ku shi lan
Who still wants drying seas and crumbling rocks?
Bi bu shang yi chang yan huo can lan
It won�t be as splendid as fireworks.

Calvin & Jiro:
心中的火山 身後的火山
Xin zhong de huo shan shen hou de huo shan
The volcano in my heart and the one behind me
正加速撕爛 胸口白襯衫
Zheng jia su si lan xiong kou bai chen shan
are rapidly tearing the white T-shirt on me
若腳步太慢 情緒會亂
Ruo jiao bu tai man qing xu hui luan
If steps are too slow, emotions get confused
青春必須瘋狂燃燒 才能用得完
Qing chun bi xu kuang feng ran shao cai neng yong de wan
Youth has to be madly burnt to be all used up.

Aaron & Wu Chun:
Ni kan na gu dan tai yang yao gen shei gong zhuan
Look at the lonely sun, who is it revolting against?
Bu gan qing yuan luo shan
To not set willingly
Kuai yao ta lai chi ge zui hou wan can
Quickly invite it for a last dinner
Jin qing kuang huan
to party wildly

Super hot
Duo xie mei ge ren dou zai shan feng dian huo
Thanks to everyone who has been igniting the flame
Way too hot
Ye xu neng shao dao zui leng jing de yin he
It might burn to the calmest galaxy
Burning hot
Ru guo zhe wen du hai shi rang ren ji mo
If this temperature still makes one lonely
It's too hot
Gan cui rang wo men yi zhi chi luo luo re
Just let us continue being hot while naked

Baby it's too hot

Wu Chun:
Shei zheng yong hui yi qu nuan
Who is using memories to get warmth?
Sheng xia yan lei liu gei han
Saving up tears for perspiration
Shei xian qi xue hua leng dan
Who thinks snowflakes are too cold
Xin shang su jiao hua ban
and appreciates plastic petals?

Shei bi zhe leng qi jia ban
Who overworks the air-con
Rang xia tian bu yong xia ban
For summer to never stop working
Kuai ba tian kong dou re chuan
Breaking through the sky with heat
Jiu neng gan kuai dao huo xing fa zhan
You can go to Mars to develop sooner

Calvin & Jiro:
心中的火山 身後的火山
Xin zhong de huo shan shen hou de huo shan
The volcano in my heart and the one behind me
正加速撕爛 胸口白襯衫
Zheng jia su si lan xiong kou bai chen shan
are rapidly tearing the white T-shirt on me
若腳步太慢 情緒會亂
Ruo jiao bu tai man qing xu hui luan
If steps are too slow, emotions get confused
青春必須瘋狂燃燒 才能用得完
Qing chun bi xu kuang feng ran shao cai neng yong de wan
Youth has to be madly burnt to be all used up.

Aaron & Wu Chun:
Ni kan na gu dan tai yang yao gen shei gong zhuan
Look at the lonely sun, who is it revolting against?
Bu Gan Qing Yuan Luo Shan
To not set willingly
Kuai yao ta lai chi ge zui hou wan can
Quickly invite it for a last dinner
Jin qing kuang huan
to party wildly

Super hot
Duo xie mei ge ren dou zai shan feng dian huo
Thanks to everyone who has been igniting the flame
Way too hot
Ye xu neng shao dao zui leng jing de yin he
It might burn to the calmest galaxy
Burning hot
Ru guo zhe wen du hai shi rang ren ji mo
If this temperature still makes one lonely
It's too hot
Gan cui rang wo men yi zhi chi luo luo re
Just let us continue being hot while naked

Baby it's too hot

Super hot
Duo xie mei ge ren dou zai shan feng dian huo
Thanks to everyone who has been igniting the flame
Way too hot
Ye xu neng shao dao zui leng jing de yin he
It might burn to the calmest galaxy
Burning hot
Ru guo zhe wen du hai shi rang ren ji mo
If this temperature still makes one lonely
It's too hot
Gan cui rang wo men yi zhi chi luo luo re
Just let us continue being hot while naked

Super hot
Way too hot
Burning hot
It's too hot
Fahrenheit let's rock

Translation by luv4seasons @ Fahrenheit-Globa1
Please credit the translator if/when transferring elsewhere.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fahrenheit's New MV - Xin Teng Ni De Xin Teng (Cherish Your Heartache)

credits: HIMservice

Oh wow, this MV is pretty sad. Chun has improved greatly in his acting and singing. I like it that I can hear him singing clearly in this song. I like the song. The plotline is really good, too (no kissing required XD).

And of course, Chun is so so hot and gorgeous in this MV! But frankly, I don't like the polka dots outfit and Calvin's hairstyle doesn't suit him that much.

Also, Chun was wearing the B&R watch in the MV. You'll notice it at around 3:40! :D

Monday, September 6, 2010

News About Ella's Upcoming Movie

鬼才导演陈玉勋 钦点ELLA演村姑



今年在金马影展主席侯孝贤力邀下,陈玉勋为金马影展年度形象广告捉刀,老友钮承泽、柯一正、潜力后辈纳豆都下海帮忙搞笑,4 人今晨顶着艳阳,在北投硫磺谷挥汗开拍,完成版广告14日网路播出。


「必杀技」讲述1 名明朝村姑,想进宫参加皇上选妃,路途坎坷,好在有许多大侠拔刀相助。陈玉勋6、7年前开始写剧本,5年后只写了8页,最后老板李岗有天告诉他「李安下星期要回来看剧本」,让他快马加鞭完成。


Basically, the news is about director Chen Yu-Hsun (I think that's his name) revealing that the female lead for the upcoming movie he's directing is Ella. He said that Ella fits the role of a "lovely young girl" image. The movie is going to be a martial arts comedy entitled [必杀技]. :]]]