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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lyrics - The Blossom of Youth 青春是 Qing Chun Shi

Qing Chun Shi
The Blossom of Youth

Translated by Transition @ 
Please credit the translator & link back to (and include this note) if/when transferring elsewhere.

qīng chūn shì dào qíng bù zì jīn càn làn de yáng guāng
Youth is an irresistible splendid sunlight

yī shuāng kě wàng fān shān yuè lǐng tòu míng de chì bǎng
A pair of invisible wings which are longing to ride and cross the mountains

pò bù jí dài yào zài wèi lán tiān kōng lǐ bēn xiàng guá-ê ài guá-ê xīn guá-ê mèng
迫不及待要在蔚藍天空裡奔向 我的愛 我的心 我的夢
And which cannot wait to fly towards my love, my heart, my dream

mèng tiong he gè rén shì xīn ài-ê lí
夢中彼個人 是心愛的你
That person in (the) dream, is the beloved you

gěi wǒ bù gù yī qiē de yǒng qì
Giving me reckless courage